Top CICM會祖如何描述聖召「唯一」的根基 - 財團法人天主教聖母聖心會 









“……Make sure that your missionary call is not motivated by just enthusiasm or some other reason. You must be moved by pure love of God and by the desire for your own sanctification. During your novitiate, prove that you can find the satisfactions which your heart has a right to and without which you cannot be happy in a life of withdrawal, in prayer, in mortification, in ministry and in the prescribed exercises. Believe me, my dear friends, the missionary has only the spirit of faith to support and protect him against all sorts of natural repugnance, repulsion or boredom, which overwhelms his soul so frequently. Therefore, it is necessary that he possesses the spirit of faith and that he strengthens this during the novitiate. Any error regarding this point would be fatal and almost irreparable.”

<<Advice of Founder Verbist to the novices in Scheut, written from China on October 20, 1867>>